
Welcome, thanks for visiting!

Since you've reached the about page, I'm going to assume you want to know a little more about this photo log and who is behind it...

My name is Stephen Cameron and I'm a professional photographer, based in Brisbane Australia. I originally started this photo log on March 1st, 2005 as a challenge to myself to publish a new photo each day. At the time, photography was not my profession but it was (and still is) my greatest passion. I managed to sustain a photo-a-day for 3 years, until 2008. It was a huge challenge at times but it taught me a great deal and propelled me towards my current career. Although some of the photos I published are a bit embarrassing now, I am still proud of my efforts when I look at the archive.

In 2008, having published a photo every day for 3 years, and moving jobs and cities, I decided to take a break from the pressure of the daily publication. That break lasted a lot longer than expected but as of the 1st of January 2013, it was reborn. I don't know where this next chapter will take me or if I will publish a new photo every single day but I am excited to once again be sharing some of my work on a regular basis. I have a lot to share!

Thank you for visiting and be sure to check out the archives. I enjoy feedback so feel free to leave a comment or drop me a line!
